Low back pain can manifest in a variety of ways. Thus, experts distinguish 4 main types of pain:
- Acute (lumbago) - pain in the lumbar spine caused by degenerative changes or previous spinal injuries. Otherwise, the disease is called "lumbar lumbago". The pathology is characterized by strong discomfort in this area, which increases when performing any physical activities (sports activities, lifting weights, fast walking long distances, etc. ). Pulsating or shooting pain in the lumbar region often radiates to the surrounding organs and tissues.
- Subacute or chronic (lumbodinia) - can be caused by lumbar osteochondrosis, scoliosis, dystrophic changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, etc. Lumbodynia is characterized by pain in the lower back (usually on one side), intensified by bending, prolonged sitting or standing. Therefore, patients are forced to be in a supine or bent position.
- Radiation in the leg (lumboischialgia) - painful sensations, fever or chills in the lower back and left or right leg. In this case, the pain spreads to the buttocks area and increases with a change in body position.
- Severe neuropathy (radiculopathy or lumbosacral radiculitis) is pinching or damage to the nerve roots and is characterized by acute, penetrating pain in the spine, constant tension in the back muscles, discomfort in the back of the thighs, tingling, tingling and numbness of the extremities.
But for successful treatment it is necessary to know the causes of the onset and development of pain. Specialists working in our center will make the diagnosis easily and painlessly, after which they will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Note! If you find yourself in any of the above types of pain, do not delay a visit to a doctor - vertebrologist, neurologist or chiropractor. Otherwise, your condition may worsen, leading to all sorts of complications.
Causes of pain
Low back pain occurs for a variety of reasons, from muscle and bone marrow inflammation to internal organ disease. Here are the main causes of lower back pain:
Degenerative-dystrophic processes
Degenerative-dystrophic processes cause the following pathologies:
- Osteochondrosis of the spine - degenerative changes occur when cracks appear on the intervertebral discs, as well as in the case of hernia in this area.
- Poor posture (including the background of scoliosis) - in the absence of timely treatment leads to frequent back pain.
- Excessive strain or severe muscle hypothermia in the lumbar region - the pain pulls and restrains it in nature (a person cannot straighten his back for a long time).
- Spondylolisthesis - the disease involves the movement of the lumbar spine.
Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory processes also lead to discomfort in the lumbar region:
- Muscle inflammation (myositis) - occurs in various bacterial and viral infections.
- Ankylosing spondylitis - the disease involves inflammation of the intervertebral and rib-spine joints, as well as the ligaments of the spine. As a result, the spine loses its former mobility and elasticity, so it is easily injured by falls and blows.
- Osteomyelitis of the spine - the disease involves inflammation of the bone marrow, which is caused by pathogenic pathogens (streptococci, staphylococci, mycobacteria of tuberculosis, etc. ).
- Tuberculous spondylitis is a chronic inflammation of the spine caused by tuberculosis pathogens. Bacteria enter the general bloodstream and then the bone tissue.
Also, inflammatory processes include diseases of the nervous system of an infectious nature (including meningitis).
Diseases of internal organs and pelvic organs
Lower back pain can be caused by diseases of the internal organs, for example:
- Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
- Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas caused by damage to organs by its own enzymes).
- Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder wall).
- Urolithiasis.
- Diseases of the pelvic organs, which are typical not only for women, but also for men (pathology of the uterus, prostate, etc. ).
Bitan! Other causes of pain in the lumbar region include osteoporosis (damage to all skeletal bones), congenital anomalies of the spine, neuroses, spinal cord tumors, etc.
Diagnosis of back pain
The following types of diagnostics are prescribed for back pain:
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine.
- CT (X-ray computed tomography).
- Blood and urine tests.
- Ultrasound of the kidneys, pelvic organs and prostate (in men).
Our center is equipped with all the necessary equipment for diagnostic studies (MRI, ultrasound, etc. ), as well as a modern exercise room, where you can maintain health after therapy.
Pain management by manual therapy
Manual therapy is a way of treating, diagnosing and preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of the hands. This is the oldest method of therapy, officially recognized by domestic and foreign medicine.
The therapeutic effect of manual therapy is immediately noticeable. After the first session, the patient's condition significantly improves. The following effects are observed during therapy:
- Reduction and complete elimination of pain in the future.
- Restoration of blood circulation.
- Relieving muscle tension and contraction.
- Elimination of symptoms of impaired sensitivity (numbness, tingling, "geese", tingling in the lower extremities).
- Improving the work of internal organs.
In this case, the vertebrae are gently and painlessly "lifted" to the previous position (i. e. , the previous displacement is removed).
In our clinic, experienced, trained professionals who know biomechanics and human anatomy deal with manual therapy. The duration of the course is determined individually and depends on the severity and type of disease. As practice shows, it usually takes 5-10 procedures, but sometimes more. After the treatment, our modern exercise therapy room is at your service, in which you can not only improve your health, but also prevent possible relapses of the disease.
Lower back pain is the result of various factors, among which may be such serious diseases as osteochondrosis, osteomyelitis, ankylosing spondylitis, etc. Therefore, do not delay diagnosis and treatment. The sooner you see your doctor, the better your chances of recovery. And our caring and attentive doctors will always help you.